Merging DataFrames in Pandas for Beginners

Combining datasets is a fundamental task in data analysis, allowing analysts to bring together information from different sources to form a more comprehensive view. Pandas offers several methods for combining datasets, such as concatenation, merging, and joining.
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Combining Datasets

Concatenation, merging, and joining DataFrames

Combining datasets is a fundamental task in data analysis, allowing analysts to bring together information from different sources to form a more comprehensive view. Pandas offers several methods for combining datasets, such as concatenation, merging, and joining. Each method serves different use cases and understanding how to apply them effectively is crucial. Here's a breakdown of these methods with examples.


Concatenation is about stacking DataFrames vertically (one on top of the other) or horizontally (side by side), assuming they have the same columns or rows, respectively.

import pandas as pd

# Creating sample DataFrames
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['A0', 'A1'], 'B': ['B0', 'B1']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['A2', 'A3'], 'B': ['B2', 'B3']})

# Vertical concatenation
df_vertical = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=0)

# Horizontal concatenation
df_horizontal = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1)

print("Vertical Concatenation:\n", df_vertical)
print("\nHorizontal Concatenation:\n", df_horizontal)


   A   B
0  A0  B0
1  A1  B1
   A   B
0  A2  B2
1  A3  B3
Vertical Concatenation:
    A   B
0  A0  B0
1  A1  B1
0  A2  B2
1  A3  B3
Horizontal Concatenation:
    A   B  A   B
0  A0  B0 A2  B2
1  A1  B1 A3  B3


Merging data in Pandas is a powerful feature that allows for the combination of two datasets based on common columns or indices, akin to SQL joins. This process is pivotal in data analysis and preprocessing, especially when you need to bring together data from different sources. The pd.merge() function is versatile, supporting various types of joins: inner, outer, left, and right. Let's delve into the details and functionalities of merging in Pandas.

Basic Merge

At its core, merging combines rows from two DataFrames based on one or more keys. The simplest form is to merge on one column that both DataFrames share.

import pandas as pd

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Key': ['K0', 'K1', 'K2', 'K3'],
                    'A': ['A0', 'A1', 'A2', 'A3'],
                    'B': ['B0', 'B1', 'B2', 'B3']})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Key': ['K0', 'K1', 'K2', 'K3'],
                    'C': ['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3'],
                    'D': ['D0', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3']})

result = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='Key')

Types of Merges

Inner Join

The default behavior of pd.merge(). It returns only those rows that have matching keys in both DataFrames.

result_inner = pd.merge(df1, df2, how='inner', on='Key')

Left Join

Returns all rows from the left DataFrame, and the matched rows from the right DataFrame. The result will have NaN in places where data from the right DataFrame is missing.

Right Join

The opposite of a left join. Returns all rows from the right DataFrame, and the matched rows from the left DataFrame.

result_right = pd.merge(df1, df2, how='right', on='Key')

Outer Join

Returns all rows when there is a match in either left or right DataFrame. This type of join provides the union of the keys.

result_outer = pd.merge(df1, df2, how='outer', on='Key')

Merging on Multiple Keys

You can merge DataFrames based on multiple keys for more precise control over the merge operation.

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrames
df_customers = pd.DataFrame({
    'Customer ID': [1, 2, 3],
    'Age': [25, 34, 45],
    'Gender': ['F', 'M', 'F'],
    'Region': ['North', 'East', 'West']

df_campaigns = pd.DataFrame({
    'Campaign ID': ['C1', 'C2', 'C3'],
    'Channel': ['Online', 'TV', 'Radio'],
    'Start Date': ['2023-01-01', '2023-01-15', '2023-02-01'],
    'End Date': ['2023-01-31', '2023-02-15', '2023-02-28']

df_purchases = pd.DataFrame({
    'Purchase ID': ['P1', 'P2', 'P3'],
    'Customer ID': [1, 2, 1],
    'Campaign ID': ['C1', 'C1', 'C2'],
    'Amount': [100, 150, 200]

# Merging DataFrames
df_merged = pd.merge(df_customers, df_purchases, on='Customer ID')
df_merged = pd.merge(df_merged, df_campaigns, on='Campaign ID')


Handling Overlapping Columns Names (Suffixes)

When DataFrames have overlapping column names that are not being merged, Pandas automatically appends suffixes to them. You can customize these suffixes.

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Key': ['K0', 'K1'], 'A': ['A0', 'A1']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Key': ['K0', 'K1'], 'A': ['B0', 'B1']})

result_suffixes = pd.merge(df1, df2, on='Key', suffixes=('_left', '_right'))

Merging with Indexes

You can also merge based on indexes, or a combination of indexes and columns, by using the left_index, right_index, left_on, and right_on parameters.

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['A0', 'A1'], 'B': ['B0', 'B1']})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'C': ['C0', 'C1'], 'D': ['D0', 'D1']})
df2.index = df1.index  # Matching indexes

result_index = pd.merge(df1, df2, left_index=True, right_index=True)

Understanding these merging techniques in Pandas allows for the flexible combination of datasets, essential for comprehensive data analysis and manipulation tasks.

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Joining in Pandas is a convenient way to combine DataFrames based on their indexes or on a key column. It is similar to the merge operation but designed specifically for situations where you want to join on indices. The .join() method offers a straightforward syntax for combining data, making it an essential tool for data analysis tasks where aligning data from different sources is required.

Basic Join Operation

The simplest form of a join is to combine two DataFrames based on their indexes.

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrames
df_left = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['A0', 'A1', 'A2'],
                        'B': ['B0', 'B1', 'B2']},
                       index=['K0', 'K1', 'K2'])

df_right = pd.DataFrame({'C': ['C0', 'C1', 'C2'],
                         'D': ['D0', 'D1', 'D2']},
                        index=['K0', 'K2', 'K3'])

# Joining on index
result = df_left.join(df_right)

This basic join operation defaults to a left join, where all rows from df_left are returned, and matching rows from df_right based on the index are added, with NaN values for missing matches.

Types of Joins

Just like merging, joining supports different types of joins: left, right, inner, and outer.

  • Left Join: Includes all rows from the left DataFrame and matched rows from the right DataFrame. Missing matches will have NaN.
  • Right Join: Includes all rows from the right DataFrame and matched rows from the left DataFrame.
  • Inner Join: Returns only the rows with matching indexes in both DataFrames.
  • Outer Join: Returns all rows from both DataFrames with matching rows where available and NaN elsewhere.
# Right join
right_join = df_left.join(df_right, how='right')

# Inner join
inner_join = df_left.join(df_right, how='inner')

# Outer join
outer_join = df_left.join(df_right, how='outer')

Joining on Key Columns

Although .join() is primarily for index-based joining, you can join on columns by setting one DataFrame's index to the column you wish to join on, then resetting the index afterward.

df_left = df_left.set_index('A')
result_on_key = df_left.join(df_right, how='outer').reset_index()

Joining Multiple DataFrames

.join() can also combine multiple DataFrames in a single operation. This is useful when you need to concatenate horizontally across many sources of data.

df_third = pd.DataFrame({'E': ['E0', 'E1', 'E3'],
                         'F': ['F0', 'F1', 'F3']},
                        index=['K0', 'K1', 'K3'])

result_multiple = df_left.join([df_right, df_third], how='outer')

Handling Overlapping Column Names

If the DataFrames contain overlapping column names (not including the key), Pandas will automatically append suffixes _x and _y to differentiate. You can customize these suffixes.

df_right['B'] = ['B2', 'B3', 'B4']  # Overlapping column names
result_suffixes = df_left.join(df_right, lsuffix='_left', rsuffix='_right')

Practical Application

Joining is particularly useful in scenarios where your data is split across multiple tables with the same index (e.g., time series data split by metrics) or when you need to append a small table to a larger one without rearranging the entire dataset.

Understanding when and how to use joining effectively can significantly streamline the process of combining datasets, making your data analysis workflow more efficient and your data more insightful.

Choosing between concatenation, merging, and joining in Pandas

It depends on the structure of your data and what you're trying to achieve in your data manipulation task. Here's a guideline on when to use each method:


Use when:

  • You want to stack multiple DataFrames vertically (one on top of the other) or horizontally (side by side).
  • The DataFrames have the same columns (for vertical stacking) or the same rows (for horizontal stacking).
  • You're combining data from similar sources, such as splitting a dataset into chunks and processing each chunk separately.

Example scenario: Combining daily sales reports into a monthly sales report, where each day's data is in a separate DataFrame with the same structure.


Use when:

  • You need to combine DataFrames based on one or more common columns (keys), similar to SQL joins.
  • You're working with relational data and need to relate information from different tables.
  • You require fine control over how rows match between DataFrames, including inner, outer, left, and right joins.

Example scenario: Joining a table of customer information with a table of orders based on a customer ID to analyze purchasing patterns.


Use when:

  • You want to combine DataFrames based on their indexes or on a key column in one of the DataFrames.
  • You're primarily interested in adding new columns to an existing DataFrame from another DataFrame without rearranging the entire dataset.
  • The joining operation is mainly index-based, but you can also join on columns by setting one DataFrame's index to the column you wish to join on.

Example scenario: Adding demographic information to a dataset of user activities where both DataFrames are indexed by user ID.

Choosing the Right Method

  • Similarity of Data Sources: If you're combining similar datasets (e.g., stacking months of sales data), concatenation is straightforward. For relational data from different sources (e.g., customers and orders), merging is more appropriate.
  • Index vs. Columns: If the relationship between datasets is based on indexes (e.g., time series data from different sources), joining is typically easier. If the relationship is based on common columns, merging gives you more flexibility.
  • Complexity of Relationships: For complex relationships that resemble database operations (e.g., needing outer or inner joins on multiple keys), merging is the go-to method due to its flexibility and power.
  • Performance Considerations: While all three methods are optimized for speed, the specific structure of your data and the size of your DataFrames can affect performance. For large data operations, test different methods to find the most efficient approach for your particular scenario.

In practice, data analysis often requires a combination of these methods. Developing a good understanding of each will enable you to manipulate and prepare your data more effectively for analysis or machine learning models.

Case Study 1: Marketing Data Analysis

Scenario: A marketing department has data on customer demographics, advertising campaigns, and customer purchases spread across multiple DataFrames. They want to analyze the effectiveness of different advertising campaigns on customer purchasing behavior across various demographic segments.


  • DataFrame A: Customer demographics (Customer ID, Age, Gender, Region)
  • DataFrame B: Campaign data (Campaign ID, Channel, Start Date, End Date)
  • DataFrame C: Customer purchases (Purchase ID, Customer ID, Campaign ID, Amount)

Objective: Determine which advertising channels are most effective for different demographic segments.


  1. Merging DataFrame A (customer demographics) with DataFrame C (customer purchases) on "Customer ID" to associate purchases with customer demographics.
  2. Merging the result with DataFrame B (campaign data) on "Campaign ID" to incorporate campaign details into the analysis.
  3. Analyzing the merged data to evaluate campaign effectiveness across demographic segments using groupby operations.

Insight: This approach allows the marketing team to tailor future campaigns to be more effective by targeting the most responsive demographic segments through the most effective channels.

import pandas as pd

# Sample DataFrames
df_customers = pd.DataFrame({
    'Customer ID': [1, 2, 3],
    'Age': [25, 34, 45],
    'Gender': ['F', 'M', 'F'],
    'Region': ['North', 'East', 'West']

df_campaigns = pd.DataFrame({
    'Campaign ID': ['C1', 'C2', 'C3'],
    'Channel': ['Online', 'TV', 'Radio'],
    'Start Date': ['2023-01-01', '2023-01-15', '2023-02-01'],
    'End Date': ['2023-01-31', '2023-02-15', '2023-02-28']

df_purchases = pd.DataFrame({
    'Purchase ID': ['P1', 'P2', 'P3'],
    'Customer ID': [1, 2, 1],
    'Campaign ID': ['C1', 'C1', 'C2'],
    'Amount': [100, 150, 200]

# Merging DataFrames
df_merged = pd.merge(df_customers, df_purchases, on='Customer ID')
df_merged = pd.merge(df_merged, df_campaigns, on='Campaign ID')


Case Study 2: Financial Data Consolidation

Scenario: A finance department needs to consolidate monthly financial reports from different departments into a quarterly report. Each department submits their report in a similar format, but the reports are separate files.


  • DataFrame 1-3: Monthly sales reports for Q1 (January, February, March) from the Sales Department.
  • DataFrame 4-6: Monthly expense reports for Q1 from the Operations Department.

Objective: Create a consolidated quarterly report for both sales and expenses.


  1. Concatenating monthly sales reports vertically to create a single DataFrame for the quarter's sales.
  2. Concatenating monthly expense reports similarly.
  3. Joining the sales and expense DataFrames horizontally on the index (after setting a proper DateTime index) to align sales and expenses by month.

Insight: The consolidated quarterly report enables the finance department to efficiently analyze overall financial health and department-specific performances.

# Sample DataFrames for Sales Reports
df_jan_sales = pd.DataFrame({'Sales': [200, 150, 50]})
df_feb_sales = pd.DataFrame({'Sales': [250, 175, 75]})
df_mar_sales = pd.DataFrame({'Sales': [300, 200, 100]})

# Sample DataFrames for Expense Reports
df_jan_expenses = pd.DataFrame({'Expenses': [100, 80, 20]})
df_feb_expenses = pd.DataFrame({'Expenses': [120, 90, 30]})
df_mar_expenses = pd.DataFrame({'Expenses': [150, 110, 40]})

# Concatenating Sales Reports
quarterly_sales = pd.concat([df_jan_sales, df_feb_sales, df_mar_sales], ignore_index=True)

# Concatenating Expense Reports
quarterly_expenses = pd.concat([df_jan_expenses, df_feb_expenses, df_mar_expenses], ignore_index=True)

# Combining Sales and Expenses
financial_report = pd.concat([quarterly_sales, quarterly_expenses], axis=1)


Case Study 3: Healthcare Data Integration

Scenario: A hospital's patient records are stored across two systems. One system holds patient demographic information, and the other contains medical records. For a comprehensive analysis of patient outcomes based on demographics, the data must be integrated.


  • DataFrame A: Patient demographics (Patient ID, Name, DOB, Gender)
  • DataFrame B: Medical records (Record ID, Patient ID, Diagnosis, Treatment Date)

Objective: Link patient demographics to their medical records to analyze treatment outcomes by age and gender.


  1. Merging DataFrame B (medical records) with DataFrame A (patient demographics) on "Patient ID" to associate medical records with patient demographics.
  2. Using the merged DataFrame to conduct analyses, such as average treatment outcomes by age group and gender, by applying groupby operations and statistical methods.

Insight: Integrating these datasets enables healthcare providers to identify demographic factors that may influence treatment outcomes, aiding in personalized medicine approaches.


These case studies illustrate the practical applications of concatenation, merging, and joining in real-world scenarios across different industries. Whether it's analyzing marketing effectiveness, consolidating financial reports, or integrating healthcare data, understanding how to manipulate and combine datasets effectively is crucial for data-driven decision-making.

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# Python Program to find the area of triangle

a = 5
b = 6
c = 7

# Uncomment below to take inputs from the user
# a = float(input('Enter first side: '))
# b = float(input('Enter second side: '))
# c = float(input('Enter third side: '))

# calculate the semi-perimeter
s = (a + b + c) / 2

# calculate the area
area = (s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) ** 0.5
print('The area of the triangle is %0.2f' %area)
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