Filter functions are the tools you use to slice and dice your data, zoom in on specific pieces of information, and make sense of it all. Want to focus on sales from last month? Or just pull up data for that one product? Filter functions are your best friend.
In this article, we’ll cover what filter functions are, why they matter, and how you can start using them—even if you’re a complete beginner. By the end, you’ll feel ready to tackle your data with confidence and maybe even impress your colleagues with what you’ve learned. Sound good? Great! Let’s get started.
What are Filter Functions?
Alright, imagine you have a gigantic spreadsheet full of data. It’s like a messy closet with everything thrown in randomly. You want to focus on just the red shirts in that closet, but how do you do that? That’s where filter functions in DAX come in. They’re like a magical tool that helps you find exactly what you’re looking for in your data.
What Do Filter Functions Do?
Filter functions in DAX are tools that help you narrow down your data to only what you need. Without filters, you’d have to look at everything at once—which can get overwhelming. Filters help you say, “Hey, show me sales from last month only” or “Pull up the data for Employee X.”
They’re not as scary as they sound. Basically, they act like a sieve, letting specific data pass through while holding back the rest. Think of them as your personal data secretary who organizes things just the way you want.
Filter functions are brilliant because they don't modify your data permanently. They just create a temporary view of the data that fits your conditions.
Real-Life Scenarios Where Filter Functions Are Cool
Here are a few examples to help you see how filter functions can save the day:
- Sales Analysis
Need to focus on sales for one specific product? Use a filter to pull up that product’s data and exclude everything else.- Example Question You Can Answer With Filters: How much revenue did we make from “Product A” in February?
- Regional Performance
Want to know how well your stores in the East Region are performing? A filter can zoom into just that region.- Example Question You Can Answer With Filters: What were the top-selling items in the East Region last quarter?
- Employee-Specific Reports
Suppose you’re making a report for a specific team member, like Susan. Filters can grab only their performance stats while ignoring everyone else.- Example Question You Can Answer With Filters: What was Susan’s total sales volume last year?
A Note about Context
The word “context” in DAX is simply a fancy way of describing the situation or conditions under which a formula works. When it comes to filter functions, context is crucial because it decides what data gets included or excluded when you create your calculations. Context determines how the filter functions behave and what data they apply to.
Types of Context in DAX
There are two main types of context you’ll hear about in DAX:
1. Row Context
This is like looking at one row of data at a time. It’s super handy when you’re calculating things that depend on individual rows.
- Example: Imagine you have a table of sales records, and each row has data about one transaction. Row context is “aware” of the data in just that transaction’s row.
- Use Case with Filters: When a filter function works in row context, it might say, “Give me all the data rows where the Region is ‘East’.”
2. Filter Context
This is more like layering a rule on top of your data. Filter context happens when you use filters to focus on certain parts of your dataset, like zooming in with a magnifying glass.
- Example: Say you only want to look at sales from 2023. That’s where filter context kicks in. It tells DAX formulas, “Hey, only look at rows from 2023, not all the data.”
Filter context is what makes DAX so powerful. Filter functions like CALCULATE and FILTER actually modify the filter context, refining what data the formula works with.
How Context Works with Filter Functions
Filter functions rely on context to know which pieces of data to work with! Here’s how:
- Context Before Filtering
When you start, your entire table or dataset is the context. Think of it as having no rules or restrictions yet. - Applying Filters to Create New Context
When you use a filter function, you’re saying, “Hey, narrow the focus down to only this specific context.”- Example with CALCULATE:
If you write a formula like CALCULATE(SUM(Sales), Region = "North"), you’re telling DAX to filter the context to only include rows where the Region is “North” before adding up the sales.
- Example with CALCULATE:
- Dynamic Context Changes
Filter functions can dynamically adjust the context based on your report setup. For instance, in a Power BI report, if you click on a specific year in a chart (like 2021), the context automatically narrows to that year, and filter functions will only work on the subset of data from 2021.
Common Filter Functions in DAX and How to Use Them
Here’s a handy list of some popular DAX filter functions, with simple explanations, syntax, and examples you can actually relate to.
At its core, CALCULATE changes the context of your data by applying filters. It lets you adjust (or override) the data your formula uses, so you can look at specific subsets of your data. Whether it’s focusing on sales for a particular year or analysing data for a specific region, CALCULATE helps you zero in.

How It Works
Think of CALCULATE as playing two roles:
- Performs the Calculation
It starts by evaluating the expression you’ve provided (like summing up a column or finding an average). - Applies Filters
Before doing the calculation, CALCULATE changes the filter context by applying the filters you’ve defined. This means it temporarily narrows down the data scope to only include rows that meet your filters.
Practical Examples
Here are some simple examples to show how CALCULATE works in action:
- Calculate Sales for a Specific Region
Suppose you want to sum up sales for the “North” region only:

What it does: Sums up all the numbers in the “Amount” column, but only for rows where the region is “North.”
Use Case: You can use this to compare sales performance across different regions.
- Get a Product’s Sales for a Specific Year
Imagine you want to find the sales of “Product A” in 2023:

What it does: Adds up the sales amount only for rows where the Product is “Product A” and the year is 2023.
Use Case: This is useful for tracking a product’s performance over time.
- Compare Filtered Data to Total Data
Want to know the sales for the “East” region compared to the total sales across all regions? You can calculate each with CALCULATE:

What it does:
RegionalSales focuses on just the “East” region.
TotalSales ignores any filters applied to the Region column (thanks to the ALL function).
Use Case: This comparison helps you understand how one region contributes to the overall business.
- Dynamic Filters in Power BI Reports
When building a dashboard in Power BI, CALCULATE dynamically adjusts its filters based on user interactions. For example, if a user clicks on a particular month in a graph (like August), a formula using CALCULATE will automatically focus on data for August.

The FILTER function in DAX is like a magnifying glass for your data. It lets you look at a specific part of your data table by applying a condition (or filter). Think of it as saying, “Hey, only show me the rows where this is true.”
It’s a key tool when you want to work on only a certain group of data instead of the whole dataset.

The FILTER function creates a table (a smaller, filtered table from the original one). It only includes rows where the condition you set is true. You can use this filtered table to power other calculations or as part of another DAX function.
Practical Examples
Here are a few ways you might use the FILTER function:
Example 1: Filter Sales Over $100
Imagine you have a Sales table, and you want to look only at sales greater than $100. Here’s how you’d write it:

This creates a filtered table with just the rows where the Amount column is more than 100.
Example 2: Using FILTER in a Measure
You might want to sum up only the sales that are greater than $100. You can combine FILTER with another function like SUMX to do this:

SUMX adds up the amounts from the filtered table (where sales are over $100).
Example 3: Filter for Specific Regions
Suppose your Sales table has a column for Region and you only want rows where the region is "North America":

This filters for just the North America rows in your table.
Important Things to Know
- FILTER Returns a Table
It doesn’t give you a single value but a new, smaller table. To use it in calculations, combine it with other functions like SUMX, AVERAGEX, or COUNTROWS. - Best with RELATED Functions
FILTER works best when you already know what part of the table you want to focus on. It works great when you combine it with relationships between tables in your data model. - Filter Context Matters
FILTER respects the context of your table. If you’re using it inside a visual in Power BI, it only looks at the data within the scope of that visual. - It’s Not the Same as a Slicer
While slicers in Power BI visually filter your data, the FILTER function is used in the backend to create calculations.
The ALL function in DAX is much simpler to understand. You tell DAX "Forget the rules for a second, I want to see everything." Normally, DAX works with filters that are already applied (like only looking at sales for one region). But when you toss in ALL, it says, "Nope, I want absolutely everything, filtered or not."

A Quick Example
Say you’re working on a report, and it’s showing how much sales happened in the North region. That’s cool, but then someone asks, “How does that compare to total sales across every region?”
That’s your cue to call in the ALL function.
Here’s what you’d do:

What’s happening here?
- SUM(Sales) adds up all the sales.
- ALL(Region) tells DAX, "Ignore any filters about what region I’m looking at."
The result? You get the numbers for total sales from all regions, even if your report was only showing data for the North region at first. Now you can compare North’s sales to the total and say, “Yup, North is killing it… or maybe not.”
Imagine you have two tables in your data model, like a "Products" table and a "Categories" table. These tables are connected by a relationship (like a common column, e.g., "CategoryID"). The RELATED function is like a magical bridge that lets you pull information from one table into another.
Let’s say you’re in the "Products" table, and you want to see the category name for each product. If the "Categories" table has a column called "Category Name," you can write:

This will pull the category name into the "Products" table for each product, as long as the tables are properly related.
Key Points to Remember
- Relationships Are Required:
- The two tables must be connected in the Model View for RELATED to work.
- If there’s no relationship, Power BI will throw an error.
- Direction Matters:
- RELATED works when you’re pulling data from the "one" side of a relationship into the "many" side.
- For example, in a one-to-many relationship:
- Products Table (one side) → Orders Table (many side): RELATED works.
- Orders Table (many side) → Products Table (one side): RELATED does NOT work.
- Use Cases:
- Add descriptive fields (like ProductName, Category, etc.) from a lookup table to a fact table.
- Bring in additional context for calculations.

SELECTEDVALUE is like asking Power BI:
"Hey, what’s the one thing the user picked?"
It’s a super simple way to grab the value that someone selected in a slicer, filter, or column. But here’s the catch: it only works if the user picks one thing. If they pick nothing or more than one thing, it gets confused and says, "I don’t know what to do."
Let’s say you have a slicer with a list of fruits:
- Apple
- Banana
- Cherry
If the user picks Apple, SELECTEDVALUE will return "Apple".
If the user picks Apple and Banana, or doesn’t pick anything, SELECTEDVALUE will return BLANK() (which is Power BI’s way of saying, "I got nothing").

LOOKUPVALUE is a DAX function that helps you find a value in a table based on one or more conditions. It’s like saying:
"Hey Power BI, go to this table, find the row where this condition is true, and give me the value from that row."
It’s similar to Excel’s famous VLOOKUP but more powerful because it can handle multiple conditions.

- Result_Column: The column where you want to grab the value from.
- Search_Column1: The column where you’re looking for a match.
- Search_Value1: The val ue you’re trying to match in Search_Column1.
- You can add more conditions (e.g., Search_Column2, Search_Value2) if needed.
ALLSELECTED is a DAX function that returns all the rows or values that are visible after filters and slicers are applied. It’s like saying:
"Give me everything the user can see right now, but ignore any filters applied inside this specific calculation."
It’s super useful when you’re working with totals, percentages, or comparisons, and you want to respect the filters applied by the user.
Example 1: Total Sales After Filters

You have a table of products and sales: Now, the user applies a slicer to filter the data to show only Apple and Banana.

How It Works:
- ALLSELECTED(Products) returns only the rows that are still visible after the slicer is applied (Apple and Banana).
- SUMX adds up the sales for those rows.
TotalVisibleSales = 100 + 200 = 300
Filter functions in DAX are the secret to building advanced, context-aware calculations in Power BI. Whether you’re using ALL to remove filters, ALLSELECTED for dynamic filtering, or FILTER for custom logic, each function serves a unique purpose. Master these tools, and you’ll unlock endless possibilities to create intelligent and interactive reports. Happy DAX-ing!