Top 10 NLP Techniques Every Data Scientist Should Know

In this blog you will be able to understand the top 10 NLP techniques used in various use cases and make your foundation strong. You will be able to understand advanced concepts in NLP and Gen AI by knowing these concepts.
Sep 27, 2024
12 min read

Table of Contents

  1. Tokenization
  2. Stop Words Removalsome text
  3. Stemming and Lemmatizationsome text
  4. Bag of Words (BoW)
  5. TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)
  6. Word Embeddings
  7. Named Entity Recognition (NER)
  8. Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging
  9. Topic Modeling
  10. Transformer Models
  11. Conclusion

Natural Language Processing (NLP) has become an essential skill for data scientists as it bridges the gap between human language and machine understanding. While NLP is also a term used in psychology for Neuro-Linguistic Programming, focusing on personality development, the rise of generative AI has made Natural Language Processing the more common reference. Whether you're developing chatbots, analyzing sentiment, or extracting insights from large volumes of text, mastering key NLP techniques can significantly enhance your data science toolkit. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 NLP concepts every data scientist should know, incorporating the latest trends and applications.

1. Tokenization

Tokenization is the process of breaking down text into smaller units, such as words or phrases, known as tokens. It's the first step in NLP, preparing raw text data for further analysis. There are different types of tokenization:

  • Word Tokenization: Splits text into individual words. For example, "I love NLP" becomes ["I", "love", "NLP"].
  • Sentence Tokenization: Breaks text into sentences. For example, "NLP is fun. It’s powerful." becomes ["NLP is fun.", "It’s powerful."].
  • Subword Tokenization: Splits words into smaller units, useful in handling rare words. For example, "unhappiness" becomes ["un", "happiness"].

Tokenization is the foundation for all subsequent NLP tasks, from sentiment analysis to machine translation.

 2. Stop Words Removal

Stop words removal is a crucial step in natural language processing (NLP) that involves eliminating common words from a text dataset. These words, often referred to as "stop words," include frequently occurring words like "the," "is," "in," "and," etc., which generally do not carry significant meaning or contribute to the analysis of the text. By removing these words, we can reduce the noise in the data and focus on the more meaningful components of the text, thereby improving the efficiency and performance of models.

Stop words are ubiquitous and typically do not add any substantial value to the context of the text. Removing them helps in reducing the noise, making it easier for models to focus on the important words that convey the actual meaning of the text.

By eliminating stop words, the dimensionality of the text data is reduced, leading to faster and more efficient processing. This is particularly beneficial in large-scale text processing tasks where computational resources are a concern.

In tasks like sentiment analysis or text classification, the presence of stop words can dilute the significance of the keywords. Removing them ensures that the model pays more attention to the words that actually matter, improving accuracy.

Common Stop Words

Stop words vary by language and are typically defined based on their frequency of occurrence in a given corpus. For English, some of the most common stop words include:

  • Articles: "the," "a," "an"
  • Prepositions: "in," "on," "at," "by"
  • Conjunctions: "and," "or," "but"
  • Pronouns: "he," "she," "it," "they"
  • Auxiliary verbs: "is," "am," "are," "was," "were"

Stop words removal is a simple yet powerful technique in NLP that can significantly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of text processing tasks. By filtering out common, non-informative words, data scientists can focus on the most relevant parts of the text, leading to more effective analysis and model performance. However, it's essential to consider the context and specific requirements of your NLP program to avoid removing words that could be important in certain scenarios.

3. Stemming and Lemmatization

Stemming and lemmatization are fundamental text normalization techniques in natural language processing (NLP). Both methods aim to reduce words to their base or root forms, but they do so in different ways. This process helps in standardizing words, thereby improving the performance of NLP models by reducing the complexity of text data. In textual data, words can appear in various forms depending on the tense, plurality, or derivational variations. For example, the words "running," "runs," and "ran" are all different forms of the word "run." Without normalization, these variations could be treated as separate entities, making it challenging for models to process the text effectively. Stemming and lemmatization help in reducing these words to a common base form, enabling models to focus on the core meaning rather than the variations.


Stemming is the process of reducing a word to its base or root form, typically by removing suffixes or prefixes. The resulting stemmed word might not be a valid word in the language, but it is sufficient to represent the meaning in the context of text processing.

Stemming works by applying a set of predefined rules to strip affixes (prefixes and suffixes) from words. The most common stemming algorithm is the Porter Stemmer, which uses a series of rules to iteratively remove suffixes from words. For example:

  • "running" → "run"
  • "flies" → "fli"
  • "happiness" → "happi"

Types of Stemmers

  1. Porter Stemmer: The most widely used stemming algorithm, which follows a series of rules to reduce words. It is fast and effective for most English texts, but can sometimes produce stems that are not actual words.
  2. Lancaster Stemmer: An alternative to the Porter Stemmer, the Lancaster Stemmer is more aggressive and can produce shorter stems. It is often used in applications where over-stemming is acceptable.
  3. Snowball Stemmer: Also known as the Porter2 stemmer, this is an improved version of the Porter Stemmer, offering better accuracy and handling a broader range of languages.

Stemming algorithms are typically fast and computationally inexpensive, making them suitable for large-scale text processing tasks.The implementation of stemming algorithms is straightforward, and they are easy to integrate into NLP pipelines. Overstemming and lack of linguistic accuracy are the things one should be careful when doing stemming.


Lemmatization is the process of reducing a word to its canonical or dictionary form, known as a lemma. Unlike stemming, lemmatization considers the context and morphological analysis of words, resulting in valid words in the language.Lemmatization uses morphological analysis to determine the correct base form of a word based on its intended meaning in the sentence. For instance:

  • "running" → "run"
  • "better" → "good"
  • "was" → "be"

Lemmatization typically requires more computational resources and access to a lexical database, such as WordNet, to map the various inflected forms of a word to its lemma.

Types of Lemmatization Algorithms

  1. Rule-based Lemmatization: Uses predefined rules and language-specific morphological analysis to reduce words to their base forms. This method is straightforward but might struggle with irregular words or languages with complex morphology.
  2. Dictionary-based Lemmatization: Relies on comprehensive lexical databases like WordNet to look up the lemma of a word. This method is more accurate but requires access to extensive linguistic resources.
  3. Statistical Lemmatization: Uses machine learning models trained on annotated corpora to predict the lemma of a word based on its context. This approach is more flexible and can handle a wider variety of languages and word forms.

Stemming v/s Lemmatization



Faster, less computationally intensive

Slower, more computationally intensive

Produces non-dictionary words (stems)

Produces valid dictionary words (lemmas)

Less accurate, can lead to over-stemming

More accurate, contextually aware

Simple rules-based implementation

Requires morphological analysis or lexical resources

Quick and dirty text processing, search engines

High-precision NLP tasks, machine translation, text understanding

4. Bag of Words (BoW)

Bag of Words (BoW) is one of the simplest and most widely used techniques in natural language processing (NLP) for text representation. Despite its simplicity, BoW serves as a foundational method for converting textual data into a format that can be easily processed by machine learning models. This technique is especially useful for text classification, sentiment analysis, and various other NLP tasks.

The Bag of Words model represents text as a collection of words, disregarding grammar and word order but keeping track of the word frequencies or occurrences. In this model, a text is broken down into individual words (tokens), and a vector is created to represent the text where each element corresponds to a specific word in the vocabulary. The value of each element indicates the frequency of that word in the document.

5. TF-IDF (Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)

TF-IDF, which stands for Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency, is an advanced technique used in natural language processing (NLP) to evaluate how important a word is to a document within a collection or corpus. Unlike the basic Bag of Words (BoW) model, which considers only the frequency of words, TF-IDF assigns weights to words based on their importance, making it a powerful tool for text mining, information retrieval, and various NLP applications.

TF-IDF combines two statistical measures: Term Frequency (TF) and Inverse Document Frequency (IDF). The intuition behind TF-IDF is that a word's importance increases with its frequency in a document but decreases with its frequency across the entire corpus.

TF measures how frequently a term appears in a document. It is calculated by dividing the number of times a word appears in a document by the total number of words in that document. The more a term appears in a document, the higher its TF value.IDF measures the importance of a term across the entire corpus. It is calculated by dividing the total number of documents by the number of documents containing the term, and then taking the logarithm of the result.

Words that are common across many documents (e.g., "the," "is") will have a low IDF, while words that are rare will have a high IDF.The TF-IDF score is calculated by multiplying the TF value of a term by its IDF value. This score helps to identify words that are important to a specific document while filtering out common words that are less informative.A high TF-IDF score indicates that a word is both frequent in a particular document and rare across the entire corpus, making it highly relevant for that document.

6. Word Embeddings

Word embeddings are a sophisticated technique in natural language processing (NLP) that transform words into continuous vector representations. Unlike simpler methods like Bag of Words (BoW) or TF-IDF, which treat words as independent entities, word embeddings capture the semantic relationships between words by placing similar words closer together in a high-dimensional space. This allows NLP models to understand and leverage the context and meaning of words more effectively.Word embeddings are dense, low-dimensional vectors that represent words in a continuous space where the distance between vectors corresponds to the semantic similarity between words. The idea is to map each word to a point in a multi-dimensional space in such a way that words with similar meanings or usage patterns are located close to each other.

7. Named Entity Recognition (NER)

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is a crucial natural language processing (NLP) technique that involves identifying and categorizing named entities—such as people, organizations, locations, dates, and more—within a text. NER is fundamental in extracting structured information from unstructured text, making it a key component in various NLP applications, such as information retrieval, content recommendation, and text summarization.

Named Entity Recognition is the process of locating and classifying entities within a text into predefined categories such as:

  • Person Names: Identifying individuals' names, e.g., "Albert Einstein."
  • Organizations: Recognizing names of companies, institutions, or government entities, e.g., "Google," "United Nations."
  • Locations: Detecting geographical locations, e.g., "Paris," "Mount Everest."
  • Dates: Extracting dates or time expressions, e.g., "January 1, 2023."
  • Monetary Values: Identifying financial amounts, e.g., "$100 million."
  • Miscellaneous: Other categories such as product names, events, or quantities, e.g., "iPhone," "World War II."

8. Part-of-Speech (POS) Tagging

Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging is an essential natural language processing (NLP) technique that involves labeling each word in a sentence with its corresponding part of speech, such as noun, verb, adjective, etc. POS tagging helps in understanding the grammatical structure of a sentence, enabling more advanced language processing tasks like parsing, sentiment analysis, and machine translation.

POS tagging assigns a part-of-speech label to each word in a text based on its role in the sentence. The main parts of speech include:

  • Noun (NN): Represents people, places, things, or ideas (e.g., "dog," "city," "happiness").
  • Verb (VB): Describes actions, states, or occurrences (e.g., "run," "is," "happened").
  • Adjective (JJ): Modifies nouns, providing more information (e.g., "blue," "happy").
  • Adverb (RB): Modifies verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, often describing how something is done (e.g., "quickly," "very").
  • Pronoun (PRP): Replaces nouns, referring to people or things already mentioned (e.g., "he," "they").
  • Preposition (IN): Shows relationships between nouns or pronouns and other words in a sentence (e.g., "in," "on," "before").
  • Conjunction (CC): Connects words, phrases, or clauses (e.g., "and," "but").
  • Determiner (DT): Introduces nouns, specifying them in some way (e.g., "the," "a," "some").
  • Interjection (UH): Expresses strong emotions or reactions (e.g., "wow," "oh").

POS tagging is performed using various approaches, ranging from rule-based methods to advanced machine learning models.

9. Topic Modeling

Topic modeling is a powerful natural language processing (NLP) technique used to discover the underlying themes or topics present in a large collection of documents. By automatically identifying topics, topic modeling helps in organizing, summarizing, and understanding vast amounts of text data, making it easier to analyze and derive insights from unstructured text.Topic modeling involves analyzing a set of documents and identifying clusters of words that frequently occur together, which represent different topics. Each document is then associated with one or more of these topics, with a certain probability. The key idea is that documents are mixtures of topics, and topics are mixtures of words.

10. Transformer Models

Transformer models have become the backbone of modern natural language processing (NLP), dramatically changing how machines understand and generate human language. Introduced in the paper "Attention is All You Need" by Vaswani et al. in 2017, transformers have enabled the development of advanced models like BERT, GPT, and T5, which have set new benchmarks in tasks ranging from translation and summarization to question-answering and text generation.

Transformer models are a type of neural network architecture designed to handle sequential data, such as text, but with a key innovation: the use of self-attention mechanisms that allow the model to weigh the importance of different words in a sequence, regardless of their position. Unlike previous models that relied heavily on recurrence (as in RNNs) or convolution (as in CNNs), transformers can process an entire sequence in parallel, leading to greater efficiency and performance.


Understanding these top 10 NLP techniques is crucial for any data scientist looking to excel in the field of natural language processing. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, incorporating these techniques into your NLP programs will give you a competitive edge. Moreover, exploring advanced topics such as neuro-linguistic programming training and applying state-of-the-art models can open up new opportunities in various domains.

By mastering these techniques, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the complexities of human language and unlock the full potential of your data science projects.

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